


Im so hype for today cause its the first time we served ala carte menu

so when im arrived at campus about 7:58 am,i put on my apron and the other stuff and go straight to the kitchen,we wait mr.jaya about 30 minutes until he came and explain us about the ala carte menu.he told us that for today we only prepare the dish for tomorrow and he told us that there's no group for today,we divided into a new group based on the section

when mr jaya split us into groups,i got a part where i have to lead the butcher section on the other hands it means i became the CDP of butcher.

and the member of the butcher group are:

and unfortunately aty and sigit didnt come today so its just me,made,and aldy for today
so after mr.jaya divide us into groups he told us to start preparing.

Aldy ask the CDP of the other sections what their section need for tomorrow,after aldy gathered all the info, i start dividing the job part
aldy in charge for handling the shrimp and the corned 
me and made incharge for cutting the chicken breast,fish,and the lamb

aldy finished earlier than me and made so he start helping us too
after we finish our job,we start cleaning the butcher section and help the other section.

after all done,the rest of the day is just like the other days before,we eat,clean the kitchen,and go home

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